Collecting coins and medals
Numismatics is the science and the study of coins and medals. These have been constantly and intensively collected because of their beauty and historical interest. Ancient coins are witnesses of history and economy, they can also be little masterpieces of engraving reflecting the different artistic currents of our past. Medals, more related to historical figures or events, are also objects of surprise and fascination.

Jean ELSEN & ses Fils s.a.
Our family company, active for three generations, is handling in coins from the ancient times to the 20th century. We are expertized in ancient coins (Celtic, Greek, Roman, Byzantine), oriental, medieval and modern coins, coins of the Low Countries and Belgium, jetons, medals and orders. Please note that we are not interested in recent and euro coins.
Located in Brussels since 1976, Jean ELSEN & ses Fils s.a. has established itself as a leading house of expertise and public auctions. We are member of numerous numismatic societies and associations all over the world. Jean Elsen is a member of ABEX (Association of the Belgian Experts).
In full confidence and discretion, we put our seriousness, skills and experience of more than 50 years at your disposal to advise you during your purchases and help you to improve your collection. Three numismatic auctions are held every year in our auction room in Brussels, with publication of richly illustrated and well documented catalogues.

Our office
Open by appointment, from Monday to Friday (9h-13h and 14h-17h30).
You are welcome at our office located 65 Avenue de Tervueren, one of the most beautiful avenues in Brussels, between the Esplanade Cinquantenaire and the Montgomery square. It is easily accessible from the center of the city, very close to Metro station Mérode. Parking is possible in the avenue, visitors can also use the two “15 mintutes parking” places just in front of the building.
Jean Elsen & ses Fils s.a.
65 Avenue de Tervueren,
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32-2-734.63.56